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6 Signs You're Ready to Have Children

For married couples, getting a baby is something to look forward to. However, having children requires readiness, not only in material but also psychological terms. What are the signs that someone is ready to have children? Let's look at the following article. Once your little one is born into the world, you are also born a parent. Being a parent means being prepared with all the responsibilities in caring for and educating children. You must be able to set aside the ego because there is little that depends entirely on you.

Signs You Are Ready to Have Children

There are several signs that indicate that someone is ready mentally and emotionally to become parents, namely:

1. Happy with young children

When you see a baby or small child, you spontaneously approach and want to invite him to play. Wow, this might be one of the signs that you already want and are ready to have a baby.

2. Ready your time is divided

When you are a mother, you may not be able to be free to do the things you used to do, like watching a movie in the cinema with your husband, sleeping well at night, or hanging out with friends after work. Are you ready to take the time to be with Little One? If so, you might be ready to become a parent.

3. Focus on divided careers

Having a child does not always require you to quit a career, but it certainly can have an impact on career advancement. You can no longer overtime until midnight at the office, because there is a little one who needs you at home. So, ask yourself, do you still want to stay focused and have ambitions in the career world, or are you ready to divide your time and concentration to take on the role of parenthood. If needed, are you ready to leave your position to fully accompany your child? If the answer is yes, then you are ready to have children.

4. Lifestyle changes

You begin to change your lifestyle to be healthier, such as quitting smoking, stay away from alcoholic beverages, and pay attention to nutrition to welcome pregnancy. This should be done since you are planning a pregnancy, and continue throughout the pregnancy until the baby is finally born.

5. The condition of a harmonious household

A harmonious household does not mean a perfect household. However, your relationship with your husband must be in good condition so that you are ready to work together in raising and educating your child, and giving love to him. Make sure there are no serious problems in the household, such as financial constraints, infidelity, domestic violence, or problems in sexual relations and communication.

6. Be financially ready

Ready to have children financially talk about the readiness to pay for a child from the womb until he grows up. During pregnancy, costs are required to undergo an obstetric examination and purchase pregnancy supplements. You also need to prepare funds for labor costs and buy various baby equipment. After the child is born, you need to think about health costs (immunization, pediatrician control, emergency savings when sick), milk, food, diapers, to education. You and your partner must have at least enough monthly savings or income to meet the needs of your little one. Having children is a joy and a challenge for every parent. There is no school to be a good parent. Therefore, you must have awareness to continue learning. You can attend various parenting seminars, or child care and parenting classes, to enrich your knowledge as a parent. If you are ready, you and your partner can consult an obstetrician to start the pregnancy program.


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