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Don't Make Any Choice, This is the Right Fever Medication for Pregnant Women

Fever medicines for pregnant women are easily available at pharmacies. However, you still have to be careful using it. The reason is, during pregnancy, everything you consume will have an impact on the condition of the baby in the womb. Generally, pregnant women have a weaker immune system compared to women who do not conceive. This condition is normal so that the body of the pregnant woman does not reject the presence of the fetus in the womb. However, as a result, viral and bacterial infections will be easier to attack the body of pregnant women. This infection usually causes fever during pregnancy.

Fever Medication for Pregnant Women to Take

Normal body temperature is in the range of 37 degrees Celsius. A person is said to have a fever if his body temperature exceeds 38 degrees Celsius. There are several things that can cause fever. To be sure, you are advised to consult a doctor. There are some fever-reducing drugs that pregnant women may take, but they must be with the advice and supervision of a doctor. Those medicines are.
  • Paracetamol

  • In general, paracetamol is safe for consumption by pregnant women when they have a fever. However, the use of paracetamol during pregnancy must still be considered. Pregnant women are advised to use it in the lowest dose and in a short period of time.
  • Ibuprofen

  • Another fever medication that can be consumed by pregnant women is ibuprofen. However, its use must be under the supervision of a doctor. Because, ibuprofen has the potential to increase the risk of miscarriage, reduced amniotic fluid, and problems in the baby's heart.

Then, how to reduce fever without drugs?

Do not worry if you are not allowed to take fever medication for pregnant women by a doctor. You can still reduce fever by following these steps:
  • Stay in a cool room or outside the shade to help lower body temperature.
  • Drink more water so as not to become dehydrated, as well as to help cool the body from the inside.
  • Get enough rest and avoid strenuous activities.
  • Lie down and compress your forehead with a cloth that has been washed with water.
  • Take a shower with warm water so that body heat evaporates and the fever goes down quickly. Don't take a shower using cold water because it can make you shiver, which will actually raise your body temperature quickly.
  • Use a fan to cool the room. However, avoid getting your body directly exposed to the fan to prevent cold.
  • Do not use layers of clothing. If you feel cold, use a blanket that is not too thick. Remove the blanket if your body feels warm.
Taking a fever medicine is not the only way to reduce body temperature when experiencing a fever during pregnancy. Whatever your situation, still be careful in taking drugs for the health of the baby in the womb. Don't forget to always consult an obstetrician first if you need medication.


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